Methods for Attaching Hair Toppers
Clips: Clips are commonly used to secure hair toppers. They come in various sizes and qualities, with smaller ones being suitable for significant hair loss. Look for clips with silicone strips to protect your natural hair and prevent slippage. It's crucial that the clips do not pull your natural hair too tightly to avoid damage. Periodically remove and reposition the clips to allow your natural hair to rest. If you have difficulty opening and closing clips due to conditions like arthritis, consider alternatives like combs or hair grips if you have enough hair for them to hold onto.
Wire Attachment: Some individuals may have plenty of hair on the sides but struggle to use clips or tape around the front or fringe hairline. Clear wire can be used at the front of the topper to securely hold it in place. The effectiveness of this method depends on the topper's design and the proper placement of the wire to ensure the topper lies flat across the fringe area. There are specific toppers designed for this purpose, like the hairline topper.
Mesh Pull-Through: If your issue is hair thinning without hair-free patches, you can secure a topper by pulling your own hair through a mesh-based topper. While this method requires extra time, it is damage-free and lightweight to wear. Keep in mind that with this method, you won't be able to have parting lines where the mesh part is incorporated. Mesh integration toppers are designed for this purpose and offer a natural look.
These methods provide different options for attaching hair toppers, allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs and preferences while ensuring the security and comfort of the topper.